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What matters to God

Today, we journey into the heart of God, seeking to understand His priorities. Our exploration begins with a profound revelation from 1 Peter 1:13-21, which emphasizes that our salvation is not bought with perishable silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. This spiritual redemption surpasses all material wealth.

God’s primary concern is our salvation, achieved through the sacrificial blood of Jesus. It’s essential to understand God’s values as they guide us in aligning our lives with His divine purpose. Misunderstanding these values could lead us to prioritize the wrong things.

Despite the forces that aim to steal, kill, and destroy, God’s interest is in providing abundant life to His children. Accepting this life is crucial as it aligns with God’s priorities.

God’s glory and holiness are paramount, as shown by the reverence angels display in heaven—a reflection of what truly matters to God. The introduction of sin into the Garden of Eden marked humanity’s loss of glory. God’s question to Adam, “Where are you?” resonates through time, prompting us to evaluate our spiritual journey and position in the divine realm.

What matters most to God is the salvation of the unsaved world. The narrative of Jesus, who entered our world to extend an invitation to eternity, is encapsulated in John 3:16—”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…”
God’s love and care manifest even in the midst of challenges. The story of Joseph, sold into captivity, highlights that God is with His children, leading them to success. Romans 5:8 reinforces this love, stating that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.

The love of God extends beyond circumstances. Ephesians 2:4-5 highlights God’s rich mercy, making believers alive with Christ when they were spiritually dead. This love and mercy, shown when needed the most, o er salvation and prevent spiritual death from extending into

In conclusion, every soul—whether lost or fully committed—is significant to God. Believers are encouraged to choose faith over the impossible, aligning their lives with the order and purpose found in heaven. This is what truly matters to God. The focus remains on God’s love, mercy, and salvation, urging believers to claim their identity, live in holiness, and be committed to God’s cause. Every soul matters, and understanding this truth shapes our journey toward eternity. This is what truly matters to God.